
Visions of Inequality

Branko Milanovic takes us on a historical journey through the evolution of economic inequality in his latest book. Milanovic connects these foundational ideas to contemporary issues, revealing the intricate tapestry of economic, social, and political forces that drive inequality today.

Jim Chanos: “The Crypto Ecosystem Is Well-Suited for the Dark Side of Finance.”

The famed short-seller talks Sam Bankman-Fried, why Wall Street is still so keen on crypto, and how technology is making us dumber.
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Intersectional Political Economy

Unpacking the relationship between exploitation and group identity, Folbre offers a nuanced perspective on societal structures, and the pressing need for cooperative strategies to address global crises. Her insights pave the way for a more equitable and sustainable future in this illuminating discussion on intersectionality, political economy, and social justice.


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