News & Comments

Negotiating a new salary or a pay rise? Here’s what you need to know to succeed

Yuri A/ShutterstockAlmost half of all Australian workers are currently watching for or actively seeking a new job, according to a recent Gallup report.

High stress levels, murky work-life boundaries and the fact that pay packets don’t go as far as they used to can all become compelling reasons to look elsewhere. Many may be tempted by the promise of a higher salary.

Do unemployment benefits stifle entrepreneurship? It’s complicated

Entrepreneurship can be a way back into work for people who have lost their jobs. - Yuri A/ShutterstockUnemployment in the UK rose to 4.4% at the end of April 2024. While this is by no means a worrying level of joblessness for an economy, it is the highest since September 2021, in the second year of the COVID pandemic, when it reached 4.4%.


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