Kasselakis ousts controversial MP, intensifying speculation about plans for SYRIZA

SYRIZA leader Stefanos Kasselakis has ousted outspoken MP Pavlos Polakis from the leftists’ parliamentary group following another outburst from the Cretan politician, but only time will tell if this is a key juncture in the nascent leader’s efforts to gain full control of the opposition grouping or whether it is just another episode in the ongoing saga of the party’s existential crisis.

Bail-in in action

In the aftermath of the European sovereign debt crisis, the question of who should bear the burden of banking crises has been a cornerstone of the new supervisory framework in Europe. We evaluate the bail-in regulation (BRRD) for bank bond holdings using a proprietary database covering holdings of all euro-denominated securities. We focus on hard-to-value bailinable bank bonds and show that banks increased their holdings of bailinable bank bonds while households and non-financial corporations reduced their holdings of bailinable bonds issued by riskier banks.

Firms’ heterogeneous (and unintended) investment response to carbon price increases

We study the heterogeneous pass-through of carbon pricing on investment across firms. Using balance sheet data of 1.2 million European firms and identified carbon policy shocks, we find that higher carbon prices reduce investment, on average. However, less carbon-intensive firms and sectors reduce their investment relatively more compared to otherwise similar firms after a carbon price tightening shock. Following carbon price tightening, firms in demand-sensitive industries see a relative decrease not only in investment but also in sales, employment and cashflow.

Bail-in in action

In the aftermath of the European sovereign debt crisis, the question of who should bear the burden of banking crises has been a cornerstone of the new supervisory framework in Europe. We evaluate the bail-in regulation (BRRD) for bank bond holdings using a proprietary database covering holdings of all euro-denominated securities. We focus on hard-to-value bailinable bank bonds and show that banks increased their holdings of bailinable bank bonds while households and non-financial corporations reduced their holdings of bailinable bonds issued by riskier banks.


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