Toss a stablecoin to your banker - Stablecoins’ impact on banks’ balance sheets and prudential ratios

This paper explores the relationship between banks and stablecoins and their issuers, focusing on the mechanical effects on banks’ capital and liquidity ratios when issuing stablecoins or collecting deposits from stablecoin issuers.The analysis reveals that converting retail deposits into stablecoin issuers’ deposits weakens a bank’s liquidity coverage ratio (LCR), turning a retail deposit into a wholesale deposit, even when these funds are reinvested in high-quality liquid assets.

Contingent NBFI Repo Facility (CNRF) – provisional Market Notice 24 July 2024

This provisional Market Notice sets out the expected design for a new financial stability tool – the Contingent NBFI Repo Facility – that the Bank of England intends to invite applications for later this year. The Bank is expanding its toolkit to intervene where severe liquidity-related dysfunction in gilt markets threatens financial stability, by developing a facility that will allow eligible Non-Bank Financial Institutions (NBFIs) to borrow cash against gilts at times of severe gilt market dysfunction.

Contingent NBFI Repo Facility (CNRF) – Explanatory Note 24 July 2024

This Explanatory Note summarises the motivation for, and approach to, expanding the Bank’s financial stability toolkit. As a first step in this work, the Bank is developing the Contingent NBFI Repo Facility, which will allow eligible pension funds, insurance companies and liability-driven investment funds to borrow cash against gilts at times of severe gilt market dysfunction.


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