Average inflation targeting: how far to look into the past and the future?

We analyze the optimal window length in the average inflation targeting rule within a Behavioral THANK model. The central bank faces an occasionally binding effective lower bound (ELB) or persistent supply shocks, and can also use quantitative easing. We show that the optimal averaging period is infinitely long given a conventional degree of myopia. Finite yet long-lasting windows dominate for higher cognitive discounting; i.e., the makeup property is shown to be qualitatively resistant to deviation from rational expectations.

Loss-given-default and macroeconomic conditions

We study the sensitivity of the realised LGD to macroeconomic conditions by exploring Global Credit’s confidential dataset on observed cash flows from defaulted loans. Given the prolonged duration of loan recovery, spanning several years, and the potential for macroeconomic fluctuations during this time frame, our study explores whether the sensitivity of realised LGD to macroeconomic conditions varies based on the timing of cash flows.

Average inflation targeting: how far to look into the past and the future?

We analyze the optimal window length in the average inflation targeting rule within a Behavioral THANK model. The central bank faces an occasionally binding effective lower bound (ELB) or persistent supply shocks, and can also use quantitative easing. We show that the optimal averaging period is infinitely long given a conventional degree of myopia. Finite yet long-lasting windows dominate for higher cognitive discounting; i.e., the makeup property is shown to be qualitatively resistant to deviation from rational expectations.

Loss-given-default and macroeconomic conditions

We study the sensitivity of the realised LGD to macroeconomic conditions by exploring Global Credit’s confidential dataset on observed cash flows from defaulted loans. Given the prolonged duration of loan recovery, spanning several years, and the potential for macroeconomic fluctuations during this time frame, our study explores whether the sensitivity of realised LGD to macroeconomic conditions varies based on the timing of cash flows.

The CrowdStrike outage caused chaos for business – could we see a class action?

Until last Friday, many businesses hadn’t really dealt with anything quite like the speed and severity of the CrowdStrike IT outage.

Being forced to stop operations is costly. Some estimates put the damage bill from the outage at more than A$1 billion in Australia alone.

As they continue to tally the losses, it’s only natural that affected businesses will be asking who is legally responsible, and whether there’ll be any compensation.


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